Blue Wren Close |
Superb Blue Wren
Malurus cyaneus |
A familiar resident of Seagrove Park, this small bird's iridescent blue plumage and jaunty cocked tail makes it a striking sight as it hops and flits around shrubs looking for its food of small insects. |
Boobook Grove |
Southern Boobook
Ninox boobook |
The smallest of Australia’s owls, the Boobook nests in large tree hollows such as those found in Seagrove Park. When approached, the Boobook often does not fly away. Instead, it sits upright, turning side-on and keeping very still with its feathers pressed close to its body. |
Bronzewing Drive |
Common Bronzewing
Phaps chalcoptera |
Named after the distinctive bronze wing feathers of the male, this striking bird can be seen foraging on the ground for seeds in the early morning and late afternoon. |
Curlew Close |
Eastern Curlew
Numenius madagascariensis |
Recognised by their long, sickle-shaped bills, these large wading birds migrate each year from Siberia to spend the summer in Western Port bay. |
Currawong Close |
Grey Currawong
Strepa versicolor |
The ringing, double-note call of this striking bird alerts you to its presence. Breeding in isolated pairs between July and November, these large grey birds grow to 51cm long and can be seen foraging for insects on the ground in leaf litter and under tree bark. |
Cuttlefish Place |
Australian Giant Cuttlefish
Sepia apama |
Able to change its skin colour in an instant to produce dazzling displays, this ten-legged creature’s surfboard shaped “cuttlebone” may often be found washed up on the beach. |
Dianella Way |
Pale Flax Lily
Dianella longifolia |
Found naturally at Seagrove, this regionally significant Australian native plant attracts birds and butterflies. Growing to 80cm tall, it produces pale blue flowers on metre long stems from August to January, followed by dark blue or purple berries. |
Egret Way |
Great Egret
Ardea alba |
The endangered Great Egret is a species of state conservation significance - as well as being featured in Seagrove's logo. Growing up to 90cm long, it is larger than the White-faced Heron which is more commonly seen at Seagrove. This solitary bird hunts mainly for fish in water up to 30cm deep, standing perfectly still for long intervals, before catching its prey in its long narrow beak. |
Echidna Grove |
Short-beaked Echidna
Tachyglossus aculeatus |
This unique, egg-laying mammal can sometimes be seen foraging at Seagrove, especially in cooler weather. Making its home in hollow logs and under thick bushes, it is able to curl itself into a ball almost completely covered in spines when disturbed. |
Firetial Grove |
Diamond Firetail
Stagonopleura guttata |
Hopping around on the ground in search of their favourite meal of seeds, these stunningly couloured small birds can be recognised by the distinctive black band with white spots on their flanks and bright cimson feathers at the base their tails. |
Gahnia Grove |
Coastal Saw-sedge
Gahnia trifida |
This indigenous grass species forms dense tussocks up to 1.5 metres wide with 1 metre long drooping leaves and upright yellow or brown flower heads. |
Goodenia Place |
Goodenia ovata |
This hardy, fast growing shrub reaches about 1.5m tall. It produces large yellow flowers in spring and summer which provide food for butterflies. |
Kingfisher Way |
Sacred Kingfisher
Todiramphus sanctus |
With its magnificent turquoise green and blue colouring, this solitary bird can be seen spending much of its time perched still on a small, bare, fairly low branch from where it watches for small reptiles, insects, fresh water fish and crusteceans. Once it spots its prey, it plunges down and grasps it in its strong bill, before flying back up to its perch to eat. |
Kookaburra Circuit |
Laughing Kookaburra
Dacelo novaegineae |
With its unmistakeable laughing call, this iconic Australian bird nests in tree hollows found in the mature euclypts of Seagrove and may live for up to twenty years. |
Lobelia Lane |
Lobelia alata |
Featuring small blue flowers for most of the year, this small ground cover grows less than 20cm tall. Preferring moist conditions, its nectar is attractive to birds. |
Lomandra Drive |
Lomandra longifolia |
This hardy species is best known for its narrow, strap like leaves which lend an architectural element to many native gardens. Forming tussocks up to 70cm high, it bears crowded spiny flower spikes, and on warm summer days is notable for its perfume. |
Lorikeet Lane |
Rainbow Lorikeet
Trichoglossus haemotodus |
Large groups of these brilliantly coloured birds make a spectacular sight as they fly through the tree tops searching for their favourite food of nectar. |
Pardalote Place |
Spotted Pardalote
Pardalotus punctatus |
Feeding amongst eucalypts, this small bird has tiny white jewel like spots adorning its black head, wings and tail, and striking yellow and ochre coloured plumage underneath. |
Poa Place |
Common Tussock Grass
Poa labillardieri |
Growing in dense tussocks 30 to 80 centimetres tall, large numbers of these graceful and attractive native grasses can be seen growing throughout Seagrove’s parks and streetscapes. |
Pobblebonk Place |
Eastern Pobblebonk
Limnodynastes dumerilii |
These frogs, which grow up to 7cm long, can be heard making their distinctive banjo-like "plonk" or "bonk" call in the Seaberry Creek wetland. One frog calling will usually trigger several nearby frogs to call in rapid succession. |
Possum Place |
Common Ringtail Possum
Pseudocheirus peregrinus |
This small, native marsupial uses its long, white-tipped tail as a fifth limb as it forages for its food of eucalypt leaves. Its soft, twittering, call can often be heard at Seagrove. |
Rosella Grove |
Eastern Rosella
Platycercus eximius |
These beautifully coloured birds, with feathers of yellow, blue and green and bright crimson heads, can be often seen feeding silently on the ground searching for fallen seeds. |
Sandpiper Circuit |
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Calidris acuminata |
Each year these migratory birds complete the long journey from north-eastern Siberia, via Mongolia, Japan and the Philippines to spend the summer feeding around the island. |
Sweet Bursaria Place |
Sweet Bursaria
Bursaria spinosa |
Found naturally at Seagrove, this small tree bears fragrant white flowers and provides important habitat for small birds as well as butterflies. |
Thornbill Lane |
Brown Thornbill
Acanthiza pusilla |
These small birds with rich olive-brown plumage can often be seen flitting from one shrub to the next as they forage for insects and seeds. |
Turnstone Place |
Ruddy Turnstone
Arenaria interpres |
Named for its habit of flipping over stones and shells as it searches for food on the shoreline, this bird is a summer resident of the island, flying from the northern hemisphere each year. |
Wagtail Way |
Willie Wagtail
Rhipidura leucophrys |
A familiar site in most gardens, these small black and white birds constantly sway their bodies and wag their tails from side to side in the characteristic way that gives them their name. |
Wallaby Grove |
Swamp Wallaby
Wallabia bicolor |
These small wallabies are a common sight on the island, with a large population in the Ventnor Koala reserve just to the south of Seagrove. |
Whimbrel Way |
Numenius phaeopus |
Migrating to the island every year from their breeding grounds north of the Arctic Circle, these birds can be seen foraging in the sand with their long curved beaks in Western Port. |
Wonga Lane |
Wonga Vine
Pandorea pandorana |
A regionally significant, hardy climber with glossy leaves and featuring a beautiful display of white flowers each spring. Its nectar is attractive to birds and butterflies. |